Thursday, June 10, 2010

Residence Life with Summer Scholars

How do I fit in with all of these new people? Should I be myself and not talk to anyone because of my shyness or be fake and try to belong? My experience at the dorm was awesome, but I was hurting myself and others by trying to be liked.

Getting to meet new people was great! Each person's personality came through, except for mine. I know most people saw me as an outgoing, "funny" person, but I guess I was not being myself. Living with so many different people and trying to belong made me forget my true colors. Don't get me wrong, living in the dorms and socializing was a great experience,but I blew it.

We got to meet new people on another level. Many of us had a clique with others, and we didn't realize we left people out. Most of them were shy, but when I talked to them, they were some of the coolest people I've met. Everyone in Summer Scholars was kind and fun to be with. I regret not getting to know them more in depth. The people I knew and the new friends I made were awesome. I apologize to those who know me and could realize I was trying to belong by being fake and ruin it for them.

In this program, I felt comfortable around everyone. Everyone respected each others way of viewing things. The time spent together allowed us to create new friendships that can last forever and ruined others for personal reasons. The experience was an unforgetable one. We learned to trust other people and cooperate to make the experience worth it every bit.

Living in the residence and doing many activities together as a team like going to Ashland, having a dance, eating together, watching movies, playing volleyball, and drawing on the sidewalk made us bond and get to know each other more. I developed trust for the group. Sometimes one can realize there are many great people out there. The whole experience was great! The scholars of 2010 made me laugh many times. We had much fun staying up late, and creating trust. The RTA's made me feel the same way.

This week in residence I became someone I was not, trying to fit in. But I realize it now, and still think the people in the program are great people! Outgoing and kind individuals that made this experience one of the best! I really do wish that I would have talked to different people and expand my friendships. This was a great learnig experience for me. I made new awesome friends and had a great time with them!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry. You know why I wrote it this way. And it might never be the same como me dijiste tu, pero you are still my longest friend ever. Perdon.
